
Welcome to MerMuse WhimSea!

We’re a little quirky, a lot silly but most of all strive to be authentically ourselves.

Dare to Dream with Ambition

We can always go with “In the beginning…”

The ability and opportunity to create a livable, functional (and lovable) space – with or without spending unlimited resources, time or accessibility to stuff and things is best described through the French saying “Je ne sais quoi”: loosely defined as signaling an essential, although un-nameable, characteristic – has been quintessential to my DNA.

My sense of sensible style, from what I wear to the actual space in which I occupy, has evolved throughout my childhood thru college, marriage, children and building a company…empire…to my legacy. I have always strived to Dare to Dream with Ambition, coming from nothing to achieving and reaching my childhood dreams through hard work, sweat equity and self-reliance and in turn have used my resources to make a difference in the lives of family and friends I surround myself with.

Labeling my style, from clothing to home décor, has not always been straight forward. I tend to believe each tangible item I have in my possession as ultimately a reflection of me and my quirky nature. Living near the Virginia Beach Oceanfront and always surrounded by the water and assorted activities, absorbing the casual pace and myriad of beach lovers from all over the world, not only shaped my environment but has allowed me to set a peaceful, personal vibe that I want to share with others.

With building a successful company comes the perks of traveling to different states and unusual, sometimes hidden places. This is where my “PIC” – Partner in Crime aka Da Wifey comes into focus. We have been on the West Coast, Alaska, to the South in Texas and driven along the East Coast for most of the decade we have known and worked together. We have traveled to and conducted so many “treasure hunting expeditions” and ultimately collected items that can lay bare our travels through photographs, design concepts and loving memories.

Da Wifey has come from living in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York where she also grew up surrounded by the water and assorted activities. Together, our combined style and business savviness has allowed us to Dare to Dream with Ambition and beholden our next venture together in inspiring people to live comfortably, live within your means, enjoy your surroundings and to love and allow yourself to be loved.

If you need to reach out to us for any reason, please feel free to send us an email at customerservice@mermusewhimsea.com or give us a call at 1-800-272-4699

Joy aka
“Principal Curator”

Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself…I’m Joy the Principal Curator of Mermuse WhimSea. In creating this positive space and embarking on this new adventure, I personally aspire to create the utmost enthusiasm to Dare to Dream with Ambition and provide and nurture a livable space to include Peace, Love and Humanity. (That was a really long, long sentence.)

My life is a collection of roller coaster rides, and the sum of every experience has brought me here to you all. As the Principal Curator, and co-captain of the “Bungalow Chic” conception, it is our definition of the ultra of juxtaposition of “a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll” with a shake of sassy and a dash of timeless treasures.

By using our surly wit, working knowledge, humble personalities, and savior-faire we endeavor to provide everyone with honest, authentic, and ethically sourced products.  We will always strive to support products made here in the USA first, while also supporting small businesses and Women & Minority owned businesses that provide socially good, Eco-friendly and responsibly sourced products. At the same time we will offer relevant, insightful material and content that will guide you through either developing or enriching your decorating style.

Besides, who would have possibly known that I dared to dream I could paint anything? Let alone decorate spaces that could inspire others? It was that inner voice that dared to tell my Wifey that somehow her space was a little off and a rearrangement of furniture ensued. That voice that said, I really love what I see in something (a photograph or a painting) and how can I emulate and embody the same expression in my own painting? It was the understanding that composition was key to an awkward space.

Thank you for taking this journey with me and Da Wifey, who will be in the drivers seat because I get car sick…every time.  Plus she can drive in the snow – SHE ROCKS! I know it will be a whale of an adventure. No pun intended…(sure, sure).

In Gratitude,
Joy W
Principal Curator of MerMuse WhimSea

Megan aka
“Da Wifey”

Hailing from the Finger Lakes Region of New York, I was a transplant to Virginia Beach for approximately 6 years where Joy and I met and became inseparable.

We are going on 14 years of friendship, but it’s more than friendship – it’s sharing every moment, big or small.  It’s knowing each others quirks, likes and dislikes.  It’s adopting each other’s family as our own.  AND, it’s going on the BEST adventures, creating memories, and collecting treasures!

I bring the voice of reason…when the car is full and we can’t possibly pack anymore treasure inside, or I have to remind Joy of just how many antique seltzer soda bottles she owns.  Additionally, I serve as the adventure chauffeur – Joy finds the spots on the map she wants to go and it’s my mission to find our way there, with a pit stop or two for a Brewery – OF COURSE!  But if there is a classic antique book within a mile radius, I WILL find it, as it’s my dream to have my own personal library filled with weathered pages that smell of times past.

Our styles are different…but the same. We play off each others tastes and preferences to create spaces that elude comfort and draw out our true personalities.  Joy is the softness and the light, the whimsy.  I’m a little rough around the edges and have a moody taste.  Together we’re unstoppable.

All my best,
Megan W
Co-Pilot Curator of MerMuse WhimSea